Bursting Barriers in Education

Educational Consulting, Informed Parent Advocacy, Personalized Action Plans

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Maura Keogh Shafer

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I strongly believe the school district finally took me seriously when I shared with them her proposed plan because it was then that the principal got involved and demanded the teachers provide proper context of their assessments.

Bursting Barriers Client

If your child is struggling with ADHD, even if they are on medication like my son is, REACH OUT to Maura! Her experience and knowledge of the public school system, combined with being passionately supportive of a child's social and emotional well-being by crafting a learning environment that supports versus penalizes a student with ADHD, is well worth the investment.

Bursting barriers Client

Maura has the ability to notice areas of strength and areas of growth for the students she works with as well as the ability to problem solve and come up with out of the box ideas to support students with their areas of growth. Maura would be able to know what the parents should reasonably ask for in terms of IEPs and would be able to advocate for the student's needs with school districts. I truly appreciate Maura's calm demeanor, her depth of knowledge, and her true passion for the art of teaching.

Janet, Special Education Coordinator

Maura is able to work with any team, any family, and any child.  She is flexible, open to adjusting her instructional plan, and continues to learn more to do what is right for her students. Her students ALWAYS make a lot of progress. Her communication skills are strong, her IEPs are thorough but efficient and concise. She takes initiative and her follow-through is consistent. She is open to feedback, has a positive perspective. The experiences she brings to her position are so valuable and make it easier to problem solve effective solutions. 

Deb, Special Education Coordinator/ School Psychologist

Maura was instrumental in helping me navigate the most frustrating and emotional interaction I've ever had to deal with.

Bursting Barriers Client

One of the gifts that Maura brings with her personally and professionally is her positivity. Nothing really rattles her, she remains positive with kids and parents. I don't think I've ever really seen her shaken - she’s steady, calm, and she brings that presence into the classroom. Another thing that I really admire about her is how she is so flexible and willing to jump in to do anything. I've worked with a lot of teachers, and this is a very rare quality.  She can truly work well with everyone and she can find a connection with all kids.

Jeni, Teacher

Maura is a positive and supportive teammate. I look forward to working with her because I know she will help me find solutions, even if a student isn't on her caseload. In the same way that she supports students, she supports her colleagues as well. She is extremely caring and knowledgeable. Also, Maura is a fierce advocate when needs are going unmet. If things are not going well, she is not afraid to speak up, and she is also willing to go above and beyond to find and implement solutions to address those unmet needs. She is reliable and dependable, inventive, patient and calm, trustworthy, thorough, she notices subtleties and small details, and as noted before is one of the most supportive, knowledgeable, and optimistic teammates I have ever had. 

Kathryn, Regular Education Teacher

Maura always sees the potential in students and builds off of it.

Beth, Principal

Maura is the only teacher that I have worked with that excels with using both sides of her brain.  She is REALLY smart and develops trusting relationships with all children.  That is very rare.  

Sharon, Director of Pupil Services

Bursting Barriers in Education Services

  • Review of IEP Paperwork
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  • Detailed Action Plan
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  • Schedule a 30 Minute Free Consultation
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Bursting Barriers in Education Featured Blogs

Verbal Processors

Recognize and accommodate for verbal processors in the classroom.

Verbal Processors

Girls with ADD

Recognize and accommodate for girls with attention deficit disorder in the classroom.

Girls with ADD

4 Step Plan for Accommodations

4 Step Plan to Advocate for Accommodations to be Followed

4 Step Plan

Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence.

Abigail Adams

Let's Talk