- Detailed Action Plan from a complete school records review and/or a neuropsychological evaluation
- An Action Plan includes
- formal written plan
- Online meeting with Maura, founder of Bursting Barriers in Education, to review plan
- Focus on the action that comes after the evaluation: What do I do now? How does this translate to school? Would my child benefit from an IEP or a 504? Are there accommodations in Tier 1/Tier 2 Response to Intervention (RTI) that the school could put in place now?
- Focus on the progress: Is my child progressing at the rate they should be? Is my child getting the correct accommodations? Interventions? Progress monitoring? Should the school be doing more?
- Parents are given the tools they need to advocate for their children.
- Hourly consultations available beyond the Action Plan that may include navigating the IEP/504 process, attending meetings, acting as a liaison between the school/family, or anything else to improve the educational experience of your child.